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But eternities mean little to me. I am Chronos, Lord of Time. Your war was but a speck of dust to me, yet I was drawn into it. In your folly you have destroyed one of the few gateways to the Captive Dimension; this has caused a crack in time which you must fill. You are doomed to fight this last battle to death.. Farewell 7##z@{{@|b|@q||}#} C a&2FO@ @6  @5 R To.>@ <@5F+Q  @ij @v}a@ABCDEFG"@"A"B"C"D"E"F"GB@BABBBCBDBEBFBGb@bAbBbCbDbEbFbG@ABCDEFG@ABCDEFG@ABCDEFG@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"H"I"J"K"L"M"N"OBHBIBJBKBLBMBNBObHbIbJbKbLbMbNbOHIJKLMNOHIJKLMNOHIJKLMNOHIJKLMNOQVafqvy~7 7 2 5  /> ) #  ; ,A &    I7H77Here comes another one, 7Here it comes again, 7Here comes another one, 7When will it ever end? 7I know whatever it is, 7I've not seen one before, 7Here comes a bunch of em, 7Fank Gawd I'm not havin lunch 7wiv em! 7Is that it,then? Top 15 songs ever: 7Good morning Stairway to heavenAnyone's daughter Fire in Cairo Locomotive breath Day in the life Cheap day return. Six different waysWond'ring aloud The clothes shop Eton Rifles Fixing a hole Funeral pyre Song with no name Frank's wild years 7"Well what do ya think of that~"How about, 7CHRONOS A GAME OF MYSTERY ?~ "Nah, too corny.~ "Hmm. CHRONOS A TAPESTRY OF TIME~"Nah, too 7pretentious.~ "CHRONOS A PILE OF SNIVELLING CRAP?~"O.K. at least it IS honest.~ 7So there you have it.A brand new release: 7CHRONOS: 7A PILE OF SNIVELLING CRAP 7The scene: 7Macdonalds, the kiddy table The date: 7January 1987 The event: 75 complete loonies, arguing about the concept of the existence of God and splash--ing each other with milkshakes. (Strawberry type) 7Would you believe that these people are highly skilledprogrammers ? 7Nor would I. Agent X: 7What the mags said 7"I have seen it all, now I can die.~ 7Computer weakly"Globber, slobber, burp!~ 7C&UG 7"How did this get in here? 7BMX Review 7But seriously, thanks to Crash, C&VG and 7Your Sinclair for The great reviews. 7"Hey, look at this new game called Chronos.~ 7"What about it?~ "It's by the authors of (gasp) Agent X!~ 7"Wow! I'm buying it!~ 7"I'll buy two!~ "Four.~ 7"Six.~ 7"Eight.~ 7"Ten.~ 7"Each.~ 7Oh, hell. 4 lines,and nothing to putin them. Oh, look. Oh, yeah. 7Yeah. 7Yeah. 7to thier heads. Let the blood rushOh,bugger it then.Niether am I! fixing it! 7Well I'm not Bah! Piffle! on thier heads. They could stand read it now? anyone be able to Yes! How will you sure? 7Oh, bugger! Are down! 7page in upside typed this bloody John! John! You Picture yourself in a boat on a river, 7With tangerine trees and 7marmalade skies Somebody calls you you answer quite slowly, 7A girl with 7kalidescope eyes.Cellophane flowers of yellow and green, 7Towering over your head, 7Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone Nothing to do to save his life, call his wife in Nothing to say but what a day, how's your boy been Nothing to do,it's up to you 7I've got nothing to say but it's okay 7Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!) 7Lennon-McCartney& 7Sesame Software 7This game was brought to you by the letters C and X, and the numbers42 and 3.141592654and with the help of Big Bird and the Snuffleupagus and was a 7Loonybin workshop production (tm), Copyright, all rights reserved and any other legal bibble that will stop you copying it. 7Bye, bye. 7v>/f x >@!Yc2_@  !Xt2_x?!Yc2_fvvAw# vv!X͘> ͘  ͘=~A85# x™# x¢37>=•> y>y! 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